ROI Calculator

This work was completed while working at Cardinal Health.

Project objective

During conversations with potential customers, Cardinal Health sales reps struggled to communicate the soft savings a customer would gain by switching from latex to synthetic gloves. My team was asked to develop a tool to help streamline these conversations and communicate the associated value prop.



As a first step, we talked with product owners to understand the different aspects of the soft savings gained. We then met with members of the sales team to understand how a typical conversation with a customer would develop. Understanding the standard amount of time a sales rep had with the customer, the type of environment where they would meet and the customers role within the facility would influence how we developed the tool.

Wireframes and design

Given that the primary goal of the calculator was to show the soft savings gained by converting to synthetic gloves, we created two paths for the sales rep to leverage – a narrative approach and a condensed calculator. Depending on the time a sales rep had with the customer, either path could be leveraged.

Although the tool would be used within a Windows environment, we built the user interface off of Material Design patterns to help create an app like experience for the customer. The interface also needed to be simple and straightforward to ensure the customer was not distracted by unnecessary visuals or interactions.

Usability testing

To ensure we produced a tool that would be useful for the sales rep, we conducted usability tests to uncover any issues within the interface or overall experience. This allowed us to iterate on the calculator and only release versions of the tool that would improve, and not hinder, the customer conversations.



